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Travelling Distances

North Island South Island
  distance miles/km driving hours   distance miles/km driving hours
Auckland to:  Christchurch to:
Napier 262/422 6:35 Milford Sound 480/772 10:40
Paihia 149/240 4:15 Mount Cook 206/331 4:55
Rotorua 145/233 3:35 Nelson 263/423 6:15
Waitomo 124/200 3:10 Picton 209/336 5:00
Wellington 409/658 9:15 Queenstown 302/486 7:15
Napier to:  Nelson to:
Auckland 262/422 6:35 Christchurch 263/423 6:15
Paihia 411/661 9:50 Milford Sound 712/1146 18:35
Rotorua 139/224 3:50 Mount Cook 469/775 10:30
Waitomo 190/306 5:05 Picton 68/109 2:10
Wellington 201/323 4:50 Queenstown 431/693 12:45
Rotorua to: Mount Cook to:
Auckland 145/233 3:35 Christchurch 206/331 4:55
Napier 139/224 3:50 Milford Sound 342/550 8:55
Paihia 295/475 7:50 Nelson 469/755 10:30
Waitomo 103/166 2:45 Picton 414/666 9:45
Wellington 286/460 6:30 Queenstown 163/262 3:50
Waitomo to:  Picton to:
Auckland 124/200 3:10 Christchurch 209/336 5:00
Napier 190/306 5:05 Milford Sound 689/1109 18:25
Paihia 273/439 7:25 Mount Cook 414/666 9:45
Rotorua 103/166 2:45 Nelson 68/109 2:10
Wellington 294/473 7:10 Queenstown 511/822 13:20
Wellington to:  Queenstown to:
Auckland 409/658 9:15 Christchurch 302/486 7:15
Napier 201/323 4:50 Milford Sound 181/291 5:05
Paihia 558/898 13:30 Mount Cook 163/262 3:50
Rotorua 286/460 6:30 Nelson 431/693 12:45
Waitomo 294/473 7:10 Picton 511/822 13:20

Here is a great link to a tool that will help you work out your New Zealand driving times and distances

North Island

North Island, New Zealand Driving Times and Distances

South Island

South Island, New Zealand Driving Times and Distances

Reviews / Comments for Travelling Distances

Rating Averages


Queenstown to Christchurch will take you about 7 hours, but you get to go through the beautiful Mckenzie country, check out the colour of the canals and lakes, and don\'t miss the great view of Mt Cook from Lake Pukaki

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